1-1 with Floral Designer Armando Malafronte

Famous Amalfi Coast Floral Designer Armando Malafronte joins us on our blog to talk wedding flowers, design and his incredible career to date!

Having had the privilege to work with Armando and his team on many of our sensational Sorrento and Amalfi Coast weddings, I have experienced first hand what an incredible floral designer and perfectionist he truly is. I have literally (and so have my couples) been overwhelmed and completely wowed by his impeccable floral design, styling, attention to detail and eye for exactly what the modern bride is searching for. I was therefore very honoured when he agreed to chat to me here on our blog!

FIRSTLY THANKS SO MUCH FOR JOINING US ARMANDO. MAY I START BY ASKING Where your love of floristry cAme from? WhEN did you decide to become a florist/floral designer?

I never imagined for one minute that I would become a florist. My childhood dream was in fact to be involved in the theatre, a passion that I still have to this day. My career as a florist started randomly and in all honesty I opened my shop because I didn't like my previous office job. I studied accounting and immediately after graduating I started working as an accountant. Initially in the shop I was just selling flowers and various plants. Then, over the years, having met so many people which naturally included brides and grooms, I started to become involved in floral design for weddings and events on the Amalfi Coast and my career progressed from here.

How would you describe your style?

I don't think I have, or have a preference for, a specific style. I like, if possible, to try and tell each couple's story with flowers. Sometimes my inspiration to do this will come from a landscape, a painting or purely from the real life stories of couples I have the pleasure of meeting in person.


What has been one of the most inspirational events/ weddings you have worked on and why?

I think one of the most beautiful weddings I was privileged to be a part of was last year, in May. The bride and groom were two young Americans who completely entrusted us with every aspect of the floral design. Together we planned four days of events: a welcome party, rehearsal dinner, the wedding and a brunch.

It was a real challenge: for each event we chose different plates, plates, glasses and chairs to complement the floral design and our offices and deposits were literally crammed full of all of the chosen items!

And the most challenging?

The biggest challenge I’d say was working alongside Preston Bailey for a series of important events.

When we received the initial design presentations via email, we were literally speechless. It was about creating real floral scenography and much more.

For the welcome party at Palazzo Avino, the idea was to replicate Chihuly's famous blown glass sculptures and use these to cover the hotel's ceiling.

We had the flowers made in Rome, in Cinecittà, by expert craftsmen who work in the cinema. The centrepieces for the day of the wedding were so sizeable and heavy in weight that we literally had to work on creating them directly on the tables themselves.

Are there any funny stories you can share with us?

Over the years there have been many funny tales to tell, however, what initially comes to mind is a story again linked to the Preston Bailey event. For the welcome party at Palazzo Avino in Ravello, the project involved the construction of a giant peacock, made entirely of flowers. For us it was a completely new concept and just the idea of ​​placing a large peacock in the hotel fountain made us smile! We spent entire days making the shape of the peacock with polystyrene; and the feathers were created with silk flower petals.

What’s been the highlight of your career to date?

It’s honestly difficult to say. But I can say that I am very proud to have been chosen by world-renowned florists, such as Preston Bailey and Karen Tran, to support them in the realisation of their events here in Italy.

Do you have a favourite flower?

I love peonies very much, they remind me of fluffy clouds, but I also love Lily of the valley which to me is the most elegant flower.

What’s the best advice you could offer to brides and grooms when considering their wedding flowers and floral design?

In recent years, thanks to the internet, and apps such as Pinterest, couples arrive very confused with a mix of styles and ideas that often do not reflect themselves but above all they are not suitable for the locations where they have chosen to celebrate their wedding. I encourage brides and grooms not to follow trends dictated by the latest fashions and instead to be inspired by their own history and what most represents them as a couple.

With our sincerest thanks to Armando Malafronte for his time. Photo credit : Gianni di Natale

Instagram: @malafrontefiori - Webpage: www.malafronte.com - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/a.malafronte